The speed at which everything moves in our world today necessitates sharing high quality HD images on one’s social platform. It doesn’t matter how intriguing the message you’re sharing may be, tag it with a low-quality picture, and you’ll lose viewership. Luckily, that’s something that can be easily fixed. There are three necessary go-to steps to improve your social media graphics:
- Buy pictures
- Make illustrations
- Capture your own photos
Let’s dissect each of these three.
- Buy Pictures
It doesn’t have to be pricey; there are multiple resources you can find with free, great quality images. As you do so, make sure that you don’t infringe any copyright laws and land yourself a lawsuit. Some cheap examples include Pixabay and Pexels, remember to tag the place you sourced the image from first! When you’re buying, however, the favorite picks are Shutterstock, iStock, or Depositphotos.
The biggest pluses in purchasing pictures are that you’ll get the freedom to utilize that picture online without toe-ing any legal lines. Secondly, you add a touch of premium quality to the design. As it’ll become free, you’ll have a better prospect at having that photograph appearing in another person’s advertising, gaining more publicity for yourself.
- Make Illustrations
There are various tools you could put to use to create impeccable images yourself. Rather than using an image another person captured, you can make realistic graphics that utilize shapes, surfaces, symbols, and text to impart your message. These can be as straightforward as a couple of expressions on a white backdrop, or complex like an infographic.
While you will require a certain degree of tech design know-how, this is a method that is worth exploring! You could also consider sourcing an exterior visual design or working with an independent architect from Fiverr to make at least one picture or even formats for you to utilize over and over.
- Capture Your Own Photos
The third method, and maybe the best yet, is to make your photography pictures. It is a cheap route for you to create incredible graphics that are perfectly aligned with your image. All you need is a camera —a smartphone will do fine — and some planning. What would you be able to capture?
If you’ve never done photography, dive into YouTube videos on techniques, especially those similar to your camera to learn.
Here are ten things to seriously consider for capturing your posts:
- You
- Your staff
- Your business and offices
- Nature
- Your neighborhood
- Clients
- Interest groups
- Pastimes and hobbies
- Occasions
- Your industry
Take such images in bulk to have a large supply in the future. The more, the better.