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Welcome to Future Sharks Jordan! Here is a little about his upbringing:
Jordan Suber is from Lawrence, KS and has moved to Austin a little of a year ago now to further his education and his entrepreneurial pursuits. He currently goes to school at ACC for psychology and business and participates in toastmasters among other leaderships groups. He spends whatever time he can helping his clients through business consulting, life coaching and exercise/diet coaching. When he isn’t buried in school work, running side businesses and writing his next book you can find him volunteering for things around ATX like SXSW and many other events. He has a huge passion for helping and being involved in his community as well as trying to make a difference in the world. Recognizing when he needs help to overcome massive hardships in life is important to him. He was born with a high level of lead poisoning and not only did he overcome and beat it after the age of 6, he now uses that experience to help other people who are facing misfortune. He is the author of Perfectly Perfect his first published Ebook on kindle, it is one of the ways he has been giving back to help cut the learning curve for others who are making a name for themselves. Lastly, aside from collaborating with other like minded people and dream chasers on blogs/articles, youtube videos, books, business and a plethora of other ventures, he is also the founder of Indigo’s New Kingdom in 2016, helping artists get their artwork more exposure and allowing them to create passive incomes for doing what they love. You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and his blog as well as connect via email to get the full scoop and inquire more on his services.
City where he’s from: Lawrence, KS but lives in Austin, TX
Hobbies: He loves helping people, listening/making music, working out, playing any sports especially basketball, cooking, reading, movies, hiking, exploring, traveling and spending times with loved ones and my dog Lucky. He says that honestly the list goes on forever, because life is far too short to not enjoy as many things that it has to offer you.
Favorite quote: I have to many but the one that comes to mind is this “If you want to be able to know the future you have to create it”-Unknown
Twitter: IKW47
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/indigokingdomworld
Blog: https://weindigocom.wordpress.com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indigos_new_kingdom/
Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?
I think being an entrepreneur is one of those things that you don’t just “decide” to be. I believe it’s something that you have always been even if you didn’t know it. I’ve been doing many side hustles and “businesses” since a young age of probably 7 or 8 but I didn’t really become serious about it until I was 22-24 and now I’m even more so than ever.
Was there a defining moment in your life?
Aside from my family and everyone that played a role in my life, I would have to say people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez, Nikola Tesla, Einstein, and many other thought leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs. I would have to say that the major turning point for me was just getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. I wanted to be able to help my sister, mother, father family and friends. Was getting tired of working a regular J.O.B. or better known as “just over broke.” I realized that no one is going to come rescue me or make my life great, I had to decide and take charge.
What are you working on? How did you come up with this idea?
I am currently working on my next book, kinda a sequel to Perfectly Perfect yet a more fine tuned and directed channel to help focus you and start achieving your dreams. As well as doubling down on the things that has been most effective in my other businesses venture/experiments. I’ve learned that anything that isn’t pushing you or bringing you closer to your dreams/goals is something that you should always try to avoid.
How is your product/service different and unique? What’s the vision?
I would have to say that my product and service is different because I know how it feels to be at rock bottom or feeling like there is no one willing to help. I make products that can give back to the community one way or another and empower the people purchasing and getting involved with it and us. As for my services and all aspects in life, I go above and beyond to offer the best service, help, informations and overall experiences. After all “entrepreneur” is about being of service the best way that you can for the people. I would have to say that my vision is where everyone can generate a passive income for themselves, be able to travel and spend more time with their family and friends. A place where the cemetery isn’t the richest place because everyone dreams are being created beforehand. A place where I can be proud and happy to raise my future children in.
Who are your customers? How do you find them?
My customers are anyone, in any wakes of life. Whoever is fed up or wants help, who may just want second person opinion, looking for new insights and perspective, doing good but want to do better, want to do their best, and people who just want to change their lives. I mostly find my customers through word of mouth, seeing my stuff on a social media platform, amazing opportunities like the one with you guys and just talking about what I do with people or even about what they do. I was once told by a mentor that the best way to sell to people is to know when to let the roar build and when to tame the roar. Now I tend not to over pitch or push what I do to much at least until the time is right.
Did you experience failure along the way? What did you learn from it?
Did I ever, I felt like it was a constant failure for a while there even to this day I feel that I could be doing better. The biggest thing that I have learned is that “failing” is all about of the process. You have to get your hands dirty, fall down a couple of times and prove that you really want it. It’s like anything else in life, you can’t just jump on the court and expect to me the best there ever was or to get all of the attention. Everything that we do takes time and is a skill that we can hone and have become transferable. You have to enjoy the process more than you like winning. It makes us who we are and shows us what we can really do if we put our minds to it.
Value-add questions
Give the readers the best entrepreneurship advice you have.
The best advice that I could give would be this. Don’t rush and stay consistent and persistent. Plain and simple you have more time than you think. I am young 25 to be exact and have a hard time with this. The most important thing that you can do is to invest in yourself and ask these questions, What would I do if money wasn’t a thing, What would my 5 or 10 year old self think of who I am now and or what I’m about to do, Where will I be if i continue down this path, What kind of legacy do I want to leave or have been leaving, What is my core values and principles, and lastly, what does the world or someone need that will improve their life.
Teach us something about {internet marketing, social media ads, fundraising, sales funnels or another topic} Can you recommend any favorite websites to learn that topic?
That is a great question, one that you could write a book about. Much like anything else, internet marketing is about discovering your voice and audience. Catching their attention and telling them a story. It is a huge marketplace with a lot of people who want the same spot that you/we do. We have to make ourselves stand out from the crowd, do the things others won’t do, not letting one contact fade, learning how to leverage what we do to market for us. Say for example that you are a writer and you want to get your exposure but have no contacts, handles, emails, following and support. Let’s also assume that you much like many other entrepreneurs believe in the saying “My only job is to find money, I must delegate the rest.” But how do you find time to gain exposure, stand out from the crowd and close leads? First learn to create content that have a long shelf life (content that people will find value from for years and maybe even longer,) with a high probability to be shared, entertaining yet also educational and how to work with others. Collaborations, groups, sites like fiverr.com, doing guest post, A, B testing for ads and this is the most important detail, unless you like marketing and feel like no one can do it as good as you can. I have learned that having other people market for you is the best way to get a further reach and create lasting content of value.
As for favorite websites, I would have to say udemy.com, allsion.com, other entrepreneurs who are offer training (Which i find to be the most useful) and even taking some college credits.
What should an entrepreneur focus on?
On your customers and solving problems. Taking care of your high priorities first then moving on to the others ones. When I first started off I would spend so much time staying “busy” but not getting any real work done. You can be doing something but not make any real progress, it’s like running in place and expecting to win the race.
What are some of your favorite books?
So many, I even have a youtube video about this. I would say my top few are, Napolean Hill- Think and Grow Rich. This a is a great book for anyone who is trying to find that spark of burning desire. The Richest Man in Babylon– George Samuel Clason, this book is amazing at teaching you how to make money work for you and how to make more and invest it wisely. I love it because what used to work back then has to work now, we for the most part still make money for the same reasons. Then lastly, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book is a must read for everyone regardless of your title or job. Emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills is a must have in today’s workplace and environment.
Where do you see yourself and your product in a couple years?
I see myself much more successful not only in wealth, but fulfillment, experience and overall happiness. Being able to live more of the lifestyle that I desire with the people that I care for. Being finish with my first degree in school and having my business’s striving more with a wider range of products, services and books. I am big believer that you should always be chasing yourself X amount of years into the future. That is one of the best ways to continue to do your best and not allowing yourself to become stagnant and complacent.
Thank you so much for joining us on Future Sharks today Jordan!