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One line of criticism against him by cynics is that he is some sort of “snake oil” salesmen, one of a growing number of “Internet Overnight-Celebrity gurus” who make all their money telling aspiring entrepreneurs that they, too, can get rich and famous by self-marketing on social media.
If you’ve followed Josh on social media, then you would know his journey and his massive growing results that he has achieved. Josh has inspired, motivated, and assisted tens of thousands of individuals change the course of their life by providing skill sharpening tips, free content, and with his ability to connect top millennial entrepreneurs from industries like Real Estate, Stocks, and Dropshipping to convey their teaching skills & mentorship to hundreds of thousands of followers that he consistently shares online. While not everyone is comfortable telling their entrepreneurial story, others like Josh King Madrid strongly believe you have an obligation to inspire, teach, motivate and educate the millennial generation.
Josh King Madrid with the help of his business partner & cousin, Cameron Eakins, co-founder of Team Jet Set, have created a principle movement committed to educate and inspire a growth mindset along with an unprecedented lifestyle. What has made Team Jet Set such a millennial internet sensation, however, hasn’t been their teenage lavish lifestyle (although it has certainly played a part). It has been their desire to educate millennials on the importance of establishing good diversified habits, learning from valuable resources, and most of all on how to achieve personal success & fulfillment regardless of their personal background.
The Team Jet Set movement was created to provide value to Millennials – a movement that enabled them to receive content that was culturally relevant to reaching success in their generation. Ultimately Josh King Madrid and Cameron Eakins strive to continue to motivate and mentor an endless amount of hungry individuals towards a life of freedom, fitness and fulfillment.
Josh Madrid and Cameron Eakins are both co-founders of the phenomenal Team Jet Set movement and company. Madrid and Eakins are 19 year old cousins as well as young ambitious entrepreneurs. The Jet Set Life is often perceived as being able to do what you want, when you want to do it, living life on your own terms, and setting out for your goals and achieving them . Team Jet Set individuals aim to be leaders in their respective fields who personify what it means to have a success driven and fulfilled life by firmly believing in their dreams, and ultimately doing what they truly love and inspiring others to do the same. Josh and Cameron are avid readers and are continuously learning all they can in order to share this information with those around them.
Hey Josh, why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?
Well I been an entrepreneur my whole life, I started buying wholesale chinese products and reselling them to kids at my school since 2nd grade. As I got older, the items I sold got more and more expensive and the profit margins increased. I always sold whatever products were currently trending for kids my age. Sophomore year at 16 I worked my first job for $9/hr and I realized it just didn’t make any sense to me considering I have made up to $1,000 in a single week selling things in middle school and high school with only a few hours of work and reaching out to fellow students on Facebook to set up deals on my products, then I would ride my bike to meet them and sell them products like hats, shirts, and jewelry.
I feel as I been able to develop the skill of creativity, which belongs no where near the corporate environment.
Madrid firmly believes not everyone is bound to a 9 to 5 lifestyle. Madrid highly respects the corporate environment, his father is a hard working physician, however his rebellious spirit would much rather have his time dictated by his own schedule. This lead Madrid to then realize a job and traditional school wasn’t right for him. He wanted to be able to live 100% on his own terms; Thus he needed to find a niche that supported that lifestyle and that is exactly what he did.
What are some challenges you faced when developing your venture?
People not seeing the vision or able to take responsibility of tasks, so to make up for their slack, we had to figure out ways of doing things faster than the average person. The biggest thing I have been able to understand when building a team of employees or partners is to make sure to prequalify your them for creativity and work ethic before working with them, the rest can be taught. If you want to be successful, you’ve got to be able to become a leader. You can’t do it on your own. I feel like if you really want to become successful and become able to scale in your business, you’ve got to become a good leader and a good manager. Your team needs to be passionate about whatever they are doing. Treat your employees as business partners and everyone should revolve their skills around the vision of the team. Its deeper than just hiring a person. The reality is without my team, I would have nowhere near the success I been able to see, everyone has important roles that are valuable to the growth of my business. If you cannot create these leadership skills to run a successful team, the scalability of your business will become limited.
Did you experience failure along the way? What did you learn from it?
Yes Absolutely, failure is inevitable. I have learned that along the journey to success, failure is just a stepping stone. I have had over 15 different business ventures that I thought would be “the next big thing” and have failed. I’ve been able to build off of each failed business venture and use the skills and lessons learned to help build my next venture which ultimately led to all my successful ventures I’m involved with today. In my opinion, just because a business venture failed doesn’t mean it is an inefficient or bad business model, it just means the timing is wrong. Timing is very key when it comes to business, it’s all about catching the right trends at the right time and learning how to double down and scale your business to fit right into those trends. The failures I have encountered have taught me to adapt very quickly which has been one of my most valuable assets when it comes to being an entrepreneur. Timing your ventures to trends is crucial when it comes to reaching the businesses maximum potential. In 2017, the trend is the internet and digital platforms. These platforms are always changing, which is where adaptability has allowed me to always stay on top of trends to exponentially scale my business.
As a young entrepreneur, how have you been able to overcome any negativity in your life?
I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason and any negative situation can easily be flipped into a positive situation. Optimism is one of the top traits any and every entrepreneur must possess to reach success. My fan-base & following knows that I call this type of optimism “1000% belief level”. This means with anything one must face in life, they must have an insane amount of belief level that things will turn out in their favor. If you have 1000% belief level, success will become inevitable. This has allowed me to find creative and alternative ways of getting things done and handling negative problems because my mind reassures myself that it will be accomplished no matter what and that I just did need to find the most efficient way to do it. Just remember what John Lennon said : “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”
Value-add questions
Give the readers the best entrepreneurship advice you have.
One of Josh’s core principles he created is
“You can not become successful, until you develop into the person who can”
Which means that you must possess and practice the traits needed that will allow you to develop the winning mindset to achieve your goals. Here are the top 5 traits Josh told us are needed to become successful below:
1. Burning Desire.
Your desire to succeed must be so strong that it dominates a majority of your thoughts and actions daily. Focus on yourself and your vision. Not everyone, actually rarely anyone will have the same vision as you, so you can’t expect others to support you or encourage you. Many many people might try to discourage you or bring you down.
2. 1000% belief level.
You must have 1000% belief that you can and will do whatever you set your mindset to. 1000% belief level means that you have already created your reality visually. There is no way you can not achieve something physically when it has already been accomplished by you visually.
3. Relentless work ethic
At the end of the day you just need to be the hardest worker in the room. It’s not enough to do the bare minimum. The bare minimum will get you minimum results. You need to go the extra mile. Wake up an extra hour earlier, push out that extra rep, do that extra phone call and take notes on that extra training. A lot of people think they can “work smart” for only a few hours a day and because of that they don’t have to work hard. That is being lazy, you haven’t earned that luxury yet. It doesn’t work like that. It’s about being working hard with maximum productivity levels. Imagine someone working hard at working smart for 10 hours a day and being productive while doing it. This cuts the learning curve massively.
4. Consistency & adaptability
I seen people make 6 figures within a single month and then lose it all within a few months, to be dead broke and in debt. This is what happens when you become unaware and lose your consistency. If you want to produce long-lasting results you must be consistent with the other traits above. On top of being consistent, you must be adaptive. Trends are always changing, if you want to succeed and take advantage of trends you need to be able to become fast paced adaptive. Start being consistent with all the traits while adapting. In example, if something you were doing was producing results before stops producing results, then quickly adapt to what works again and consistently work hard and double down on those strategies.
5. Map & Mentor
Find a mentor. A mentor can be a person or it can be various books, but the reality is there are people who are in the place you want to be right now, so it would make sense for you to follow their footsteps and learn from their mistakes which will allow you to cut the learning curve by 10x plus! After that, create a map. A map is a solidified game plan that you need to hold yourself accountable for. This can be self created or it can be a map from a mentor. If you want to do something, chances are someone has done it before. Find out what they have done and sample your map off of their journey but make sure your map is revised to fit your needs and the current trends.
While working on your project, have you come across any interesting bit of knowledge that you’d like to share? (i.e. any new research finding, any new platforms, some novel management technique, etc)
One of the most prominent realizations I have had especially over the course of this year was the true power of Social media and social networking lead me to be able to connect with and find mentors making the income I desire. The amount of free value and affordable real training that you can come across on the internet is insane. I wish I had access and knowledge on these subjects years ago. As well as the amount of books that have helped me re-wire my mind and create skills that have helped me take any losing situations or problems into a winning situation.
What should an entrepreneur focus on?
The main focus of being an entrepreneur is simple. Supply & Demand, which is essentially problem solving with value. I believe a successful entrepreneur must go through experiences that will help them figure out which problems exist and then build off of that. Rarely do entrepreneurs just come up with an idea out of the blue, it usually revolves around some sort of experience. You must desire more than anything on how to impact the market and your customers instead of focusing on your income. Money is the reward (product) NOT the goal (purpose) of entrepreneurship! Being an entrepreneur is much more than making money. It is a moral calling and like every other calling, it’s people-centered not self-centered. It’s never really about you, it’s all about others. It’s not about what you can accumulate in income, it’s about what you can contribute to the market. The reason I say this is because in the beginning of my journey I was motivated more by the cars,toys,money and lifestyle,but once I started to have those things with ease I realized how much bigger it is than that. I started to feel a moral responsibility to help change the world and my generation. As an entrepreneur your income directly correlates with the value & scarcity you provide.
Where do you see yourself and your product in a couple years?
I see myself building a multi-billion dollar brand and a movement that has changed the course of millions of lives. I want to have hundreds of thousands of members who are representing Team Jet Set in a positive way. I also want to have changed the course of their lives, creating multiple 6 and 7 figure income earners. Lastly, I want to show and inspire people to strive for greatness and be the greatest they can possibly be.
Find Josh King Madrid here:
Team Jet Set: teamjetset.com
Facebook : joshkingmadrid
Instagram : jetsetfly
Snapchat : joshkingmadrid
The guy is really doing great for himself.
At the end of the day it boils down to the amount of efforts you are putting in.
Amazing, Superb Josh Madrid. You are such an inspiration of many young guys.