Solving the Disconnect: Cody Kerns Deals with the Problem of Fake Followers and Helps Create a Better Social Media Presence

Many of us take a long time to understand what we would like to do in life. Even when we are looking for jobs, it can be hard to pin down what exactly we want to do. For Cody Kerns,…

Cre8 Sounds is Changing the Wireless Headphones Market by Giving Users High Quality and Inexpensive Headphones

When it comes to choosing wireless headphones, the amount of options can be overwhelming. Even the most generic wireless headphones have a wide range of variety that can leave the buyer stumped on which brand to choose. Cre8 Sounds is…

Meet Social Media Marketing Expert and Entrepreneur Oscar Barragan

It takes determination to know what you are good at and it takes talent to specialize in an area, grow your skills and put them to use. In an ever changing world, it is a real feat that Oscar Barragan,…

Ambition Media Is The Social Media Firm Helping Others Make Millions By Leveraging Their Brands

Entrepreneurs Jerry and Sherri Nourse have built their multifaceted business, Ambition Media, from the ground up. They run a full service social media firm that builds brands, builds and manages social media campaigns, runs influencer marketing campaigns and social media…

Justin Kan Sold His Company Twitch.Tv to Amazon for $970M, Now He’s Onto Whale

Justin Kan is a serial entrepreneur and investor who famously cofounded and, the latter of which he sold to Amazon for a sum close to a $1B. He is also a partner at Y Combinator. In this interview, I tried to pick…

Los Angeles: The Digital Marketing Hotspot

In the past decade, the buying behaviour of customers has shifted remarkably as more and more of them tend to shop online. Digital marketing has become extremely effective as customers make purchasing decisions from the comfort of their home. It…

How This Entrepreneur Went From a 1.6 GPA to Making $50,000 Per Month

When Joseph Costello graduated highschool, he did so with a 1.6 gpa. When everyone he knew decided to go to college, he moved to downtown Austin and began making money full time from the internet. As an entrepreneur, he went…

Meet Nicholas King aka Nickels: One of the Pioneers of Science Fiction in Digital Marketing

The world of digital media and visual arts has changed drastically in the past two decades, with important technological developments. Animation advances have made possible highly engaging advertisement, and mesmerizing special effects. Nonetheless, not a lot of people know of…

Chris Diaz: The Entrepreneur That is Helping His Clients Reach Their Next Level

Chris Diaz is the CEO & founder of The Chris Diaz Agency where he is creating the next generation of Digital Marketing. Through his connections and world class network, he was able to successfully build a 100M+ Digital Network filled…

Meet Christine Curran: The Entrepreneur That’s Bringing Entertainment Back to Television

Christine Curran has made a name for herself as a powerful entertainer and entrepreneur over the past ten years. Christine’s company, Ft Liquordale Entertainment, is the parent company to her current project “Dining Divas TV”.  Dining Divas is a lifestyle…