Future Sharks
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Emerging Healthtech Companies To Look Out For

Looking at how the world has evolved, it is obvious that humans have mastered the art of adapting to new situations as they arise and even go one better by making the most of the environment to make life easier,…

How Can You Recreate Your Digital Platform? Here Are The Tips And Tricks

These days businesses are focusing on using cyberspace to their advantage. The world is taken over by important digital innovations like BlockChain, IoT, Machine Language, and Advanced Analytics; simply put, your products for purchase will no longer get the job…

Can The Blockchain Replace SSL Soon? A Dive Into Key Aspects

The technological progress in the area of blockchain is being cheered by its fans the world over. People from all domains are rushing to find applications to be part of the gold rush. And just when it seems that blockchain…

Fight to Fame: A Unique Opportunity For Fighters Around The World

Nowadays, people have better access to TV and the internet which makes it virtually impossible that these same people can’t name at least one reality TV show. Popular TV shows not only swarm primetime slots but they also make their way…

Meet Mohammed AL- Sheikh Suliman – one of the leading Horse Owners in the world.

Mohammed Sheikh Suliman is a qualified horse trainer, Economics and Management graduate, 2018 and 2019 Arabian Horse World Champion, businessman, angel investor, and founder of the world-renowned Al-Sheikh stud. He has received worldwide recognition for his varied skills and talents…

Cryptocurrencies: The Game Changer In The World Of Financial Transactions

There are decentralized networks protected by blockchain technology that carries virtual currency protected by cryptography, this virtual currency is called Cryptocurrencies. One of cryptocurrency’s main advantages is that it is not distributed or regulated by any central authority, this feature…

South Korea’s Sang Min Lim takes K-pop by storm

K-pop is one of these genres that’s broadly known and easy to identify, but quite tricky to define. Technically, its definition allows for a blend of just about any ‘conventional’ styles, from classical to electronic, in any quantities. At the…

Terrance McMahon’s algorithm for happiness and why one should appreciate life

Often, the main message of writers and motivational speakers revolves around the idea of self-improvement. We’re supposed to review our life and identify our problem areas, ranging from the internal ones, like self-esteem, to external issues such as unstable finances…

Leading Youtuber Ralph Smart’s Journey to YouTube Success at Nearly 2M Followers

YouTube has millions of content creators, but only few have been able to stand out the way Ralph Smart has been able to.  The founder and creator of the channel Infinite Waters (Deep Diving), Ralph has amassed a huge following,…

How AI is Helping Drivers on The Road

What is Artificial Intelligence At this age, many people are aware and are using different kinds of technology to make their lives easier. So having an AI is not a problem and it can actually help you out on a…