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You only need to turn on your computer to find a list of successful entrepreneurs that were still in college when they began their businesses.
People like Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Dell blazed the way for college students around the world.
While no one is discounting the value of a college education, it is a proven fact that you can get a big headstart on your career by beginning early.
How do you begin?
We will give you some tips on how to get started on your entrepreneurship. However, the very nature of entrepreneurship dictates that you find ways that are unique to your ideas.
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Use the resources provided by the college or university
Being in college allows you to connect with people from all walks of life. If you enroll in clubs and activities that expose you to the right people, you will get a big headstart with your business.
Use the schools business center, office equipment, and sources. It will cost much less than trying to produce flyers, business cards, and other paper products on your own.
Take the right classes
You will have classes that you need to complete to get a degree in your chosen field. But, also take classes that help you learn what people want and how to provide it to them. Learn how to market your skills.
You will be putting in long hours. Do not overlook online courses to give you the knowledge you need.
Put yourself out there
When you are in college, you are your brand. You have to be seen in order to prove your commercial value. Apply for an internship. Volunteer for programs that help you connect with your future clients. Be sure to get documentation that shows the experience you have gained in the field.
Learn how to be effective
Look into programs like phyzzle.com and discover how to organize, focus, and be effective with your time. The college must remain your top priority. To succeed you will have to hone your skills as a student. This frees you to be a great businessperson.
Learn when to say no. Sometimes you have to make decisions regarding how to spend your time. At this phase in your life, time is a great commodity. You cannot afford to waste it.
Get creative with funding
Utilize the college finance office, scholarship programs, and grants. Set up a Crowdfunding account. Talk to your friends and get the word out that you are looking for help. There is money out there that you can get if you try.
Bonus Tips
The teachers, instructors, and counselors at the college are there to help you. Seek out a mentor. Explain what you are trying to do and let them guide you.
Let your friends help you. If you have friends who are studying computer programing, web design, see if you can barter your services for theirs.
This is a unique time in your life. To succeed, you will have to be fully dedicated to your business and fully dedicated to your education. While this is not an easy task, it is possible. So, go for it and live your dreams.