Amazon launched the newest Home Ring Device on Thursday, along with the Ring’s latest products. According to Jamie Siminoff, the Ring’s founder, The Always Home Cam, will monitor multiple areas with just one device. It is an automated drone that can fly literally around your home to give you any room perspective you want. Aside from that, it is connected to a Ring Alarm, which is the company’s smart home security system, to ensure and back up all the necessary videos in the event of an accident.
The Always Home Cam automatically detects and flies over for the places of suspicious activity. It features avoidance technology to avoid falling objects in its path that might be the reason for collision with the Always Home Cam. It also explains the camera can prevent and check various hazardous accidents that may happen. You can use this device on simple things like checking if you forget to turn off your kitchen faucet if your dog runs outside the street and if the door’s locked or not, and more.
Connected to Ring Amazon in 2018, this new Ring product has surpassed the limits of the previous smart security products, aside from launching connected doorbells and automated home cameras. The Always Home Cam allows people to check their homes and see what is currently happening remotely. And once it’s done flying, it will automatically go back to dock for charging.
The idea behind the Always Home Can is to give different viewpoints and portions of your home without purchasing multiple security cameras. Since it took two years to develop the device, Siminoff also addressed his gratitude to his team in an advance interview before the launching day of the Always Home Cam.
It integrates with its Alexa virtual assistant that would provide a strong sense of communication and security—built with privacy and security top of mind, according to Siminoff.
Still, the company is afflicted with privacy matters and personal concerns. Legislators have already stepped up their examination of Ring’s controversy.
Before getting started to experience this autonomous device in your home, you should build a map of your home, which allows you to monitor your home if you are not around. It can be instructed to fly on-demand or programmed to fly.
With these, it is the Ring’s most ambitious product yet. It is expected to be available in 2021 and costs $249.99.