Apple has announced the date for the debut of its newest iPhone. The latest smartphone is supposed to feature superfast 5 G wireless networking and a unique design inspired by the iPad, said to be named the iPhone 12, and will be launched at 10 a.m. PT on October 13.
Usually, Apple releases the iPhones within September, and go on sale immediately after that. It’s different this year because instead, Apple launched the new Apple Watches in September and postponed the launch of the iPhone to October.
The delay is an outcome of the pandemic, which interrupted the development of electronics and forced most Apple workers to work from home. Additionally, China’s suppliers have been forced to shut down or operate on a limited capacity basis also due to COVID-19.
The situation not only impacted Apple’s inventory in September, but it could also impact revenue. Apple again closed its retail stores in the United States, although some have reopened in limited ways now. It culminated with Apple announcing the postponement of the iPhone 12, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, and iPhone 12 Mini.
The iPhone launch this year is still relevant. The first major exterior redesign since 2017, when Apple launched the iPhone X with facial recognition, is expected to be included. This year’s models will consist of iPad-like edges with flatter sides in contrast with the current iPhones’ softly curving sides.
It is expected that the star of the Apple display will be the latest iPhones, replacing the $799 iPhone 11, the $999 iPhone 11 Pro, and the iPhone 11 Pro Max, which started at $1,099 when it was released in 2019.
The prices are expected to remain relatively the same. Still, Apple plans to update its features, including improved cameras, faster chips, and the company’s latest software, iOS 14. There are also reports that Apple might sell an iPhone 12 Mini, perhaps as a response to some people complaining that smartphones are increasingly not pocket-friendly.
Expect that the phones will be visually different from previous years’ models, giving consumers another reason to upgrade. Apple launched the second-generation iPhone SE, a $399 4.7-inch iPhone with a fingerprint sensor, and is anticipated to stay the least expensive iPhone after the launch on Tuesday.
This year’s changes have investors and analysts forecasting a significant upgrade cycle that can make Apple a more valuable business.
For years, investors and analysts have hoped that a 5G iPhone would represent a considerable improvement and spur a massive sales wave for telephone manufacturers such as Apple and chip manufacturers such as Qualcomm, and carriers such as Verizon and T-Mobile, who have bet big on 5G.