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Welcome to Future Sharks Frank! Tell us a little about yourself and your upbringing:
My name is Frank Sagasta many call me “Coach Sagasta.” I am a husband, father, author, inventor, mentor, coach, and business owner. I am from Southern California. I graduated from Colton High School. Then moved to Arizona, where I reside today. I attended college and majored in psychology and sports Management.
In 2010, I made the decision to start transforming my life. I was killing myself with the load of anger, stress, drugs depression and thoughts of suicide. Seven years and I am very passionate about my family, faith, values, integrity, leadership and giving back to others. I found my purpose and potential.
City where you’re from: Riverside/Colton
Hobbies: Reading, writing, and watching movies with family,
Favorite quote:”Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” M. L. King
Twitter: @FSagasta
Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?
I started the sales game as a young boy selling candy door to door. Fast forward 25 years and I seen an opportunity through a different set of eyes. I know today that entrepreneur is limitless.
Who were your biggest influences?
Michael Smalls Robert Kiyosaki, Grant Cardone and Eric Thomas.
Was there a defining moment in your life?
2010 was turning point. I decided not to live mediocre. I started transforming my life. And at the tail end of 2012, I knew my potential and purpose in life.
What are you working on?
I am working on a book with my son. Working on our business Coachingbeyond. Working on a new clothing line. Working on a new MLM with TeamFusion. And I’m selling tires for a local family business who asked for my assistance.
How did you come up with this idea?
If you’re referring to the toothbrush sanitizer. I woke up one morning with the idea and put it into paper.
How is your product unique?
We offer difference of style and approach to every client which are consistent with our involving aspirations.
What’s the vision?
Developing the purpose driven life. My goal in life is transforming lives of our future. Our mission exist independent with empowering tomorrow’s leaders with effectiveness and kaizen by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, by discipline and, if needs be, by our lives.
Who are your customers?
Students and Adults
How do you find them?
Social Media ads, Old fashion newspaper ads.
Did you experience failure along the way?
Absolutely… did I stay there absolutely not!
What did you learn from it?
Self-Actualization 365 reading 55-60 books per year.
Value-add questions
Give the readers the best entrepreneurship advice you have.
I would have to say there’s no such thing as a short cut in real world succession. One must be healthy in all mentally, spiritually, and physically in order to succeed. Each business owner must believe he/she can overcome circumstances. He/she NEEDs and WANTs to “Out-Perform, Out-Think, Out-Listen” the expectations. And lastly, they have to be willing to stay committed 365 to KAIZEN.
Teach us something about {internet marketing, social media ads, fundraising, sales funnels or another topic} Social Media has been the best tool for any business on the market.
I use social media ads all the time. From Facebook, Instagram and Google. Can you recommend any favorite websites to learn that topic? YouTube has been the number one tool for me to grow.
What should an entrepreneur focus on?
Listen, communication, money management, time management, people skills, computer skills and a love for learning.
What are some of your favorite books?
Way to many to add…lol. My bible. Greatness Is Upon You. Think & Grow Rich. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. The Richest Man Who Lived. Keys To A Positive Life. Primary Greatness, Etc.
Where do you see yourself and your product in a couple years?
Improving at making a difference in the world one life at a time. Seeing my family’s success and making a million this year.
Thanks again Frank for letting us feature you here on Future Sharks! Very inspiring story, best of luck to you in your future endeavors, excited to see what the future holds for you!