American singer Katy Perry and British actor Orlando Bloom welcomed a baby girl named Daisy Dove Bloom, confirmed on Instagram on Thursday. In a post by UNICEF, of which the couple is ambassador, Bloom confirmed their daughter’s arrival along with a black and white photograph of the child’s hand.
The post said, “Welcome to the world, Daisy Dove Bloom! We are honoured to introduce Goodwill Ambassadors @KatyPerry and @OrlandoBloom’s new bundle of joy”. The couple also told UNICEF, they were, “floating with love and wonder from the safe and healthy arrival of our daughter.” The couple acknowledged how fortunate they were to have had a “peaceful” birthing experience with good healthcare access, which many families do not experience.
“But we know we’re the lucky ones, and not everyone can have a birthing experience as peaceful as ours was. Communities around the world are still experiencing a shortage of healthcare workers, and every 11 seconds, a pregnant woman or newborn dies, mostly from preventable causes. Since Covid-19, many more newborn lives are at risk because of a greater lack of access to water, soap, vaccines, and medicines that prevent diseases. As parents to a newborn, this breaks our hearts, as we empathise with struggling parents now more than ever.”
Instagram post
The couple said they had set up a donation page to mark Daisy’s birth, with the money going towards new mothers and their children.
The 35-year-old singer, Perry, first revealed her pregnancy to the world in a music video last March for her single “Never Worn White.” In the video, she showed her baby bump while wearing a white dress and singing, “See us in sixty years with a full family tree (I do).” Earlier this month, she gave fans a sneak peek on Instagram of her baby nursery, with the child’s crib, changing table, and even a cute, hilarious onesie with Bloom’s face all over it.
Both Perry and Bloom have previously been married. Perry was previously married to Russel Brand, a British comedian, from 2010 to 2012. At the same time, Bloom was married to model Miranda Kerr from 2010 to 2013 and sharing a 9-year old son Flynn born in 2011.
Perry and Bloom reportedly start dating in 2016, split up ten months later, and then reunited in early 2018. The couple got engaged in 2019 Valentine’s Day, and are recently showing hints of getting married.