Sergej Heck Creates App for Decentralized Finance and Cryptocurrency

Sergej Heck’s journey to success isn’t your typical story. His background was familiar enough: He graduated from high school, undertook an apprenticeship, and became an engineer for a large automobile company. He made good money but felt unhappy with his…

Pure Tropix’s Founder David Wongk Puts Innovation And Ingredients First

As if taking to the skies wasn’t enough, David Wongk is now a mogul in natural skin care. David started Pure Tropix, his all natural skin care company, while working full-time as an aircraft mechanic and pilot for an engineering…

Cody Vaujin Is A Young Entrepreneur Who Rose To The Top Due To His Success In The Sports Betting World And His Number Crunching Ability

Cody Vaujin always had a knack for numbers. He knew that his future held success for him even while he was working a normal service in college. He quickly became the best employee at the restaurant he worked at due…

Vitaly Tennant Stays Motivated And Inspired To Overcome Any Challenge

Vitaly Tennant started in the online business back in 1998, when the internet was still in its infancy. Although he was so young at the time, this, along with the adversity he faced growing up, gave him the skills and…

Xolali Zigah Is The Founder And Chairman Of Cash Angel, A Visionary Investment Company That Helps People Invest And Increase Their Revenues

Xolali Zigah grew up in a suburb with his brothers in the outskirts of Paris. Since he was young, he wanted to be a pianist and a composer, but he did not have enough money to afford music lessons, and…

Edu Uzodinma Surrounded Himself Through UGA College Students To Create An Elite Team (Dignified Drip) And Was Able To Make The Most Amount Of Money In His Life. His College Team Tackled The Foreign Exchange Market And Launched Them All To Success

Edu Uzodinma always dreamed of playing sports professionally. For him, that was where life intended to take and where he wanted to go. He never really had a passion for school or anything else in his life. He never really…

Sober Superman Adam Jablin —Author Of The Best Selling Book Lotsaholic— Now Creator Of THE HERO PROJECT, Through Which He Helps Others Get From Zero To Hero

Adam Jablin is an author, public speaker and spiritual coach. He has risen from the depths of the alcohol and drug world to become a life-saving Superman. Today he runs a coaching program called THE HERO PROJECT, where he helps…

Bun Bydaway Is A Serial Entrepreneur And Prison Reform Activist Who Is Determined To Write His Own Story

Bun Bydaway, is serial entrepreneur, and prison reform activist, who was born in Wilmington, Delaware. He was raised in a community once dubbed “Murdertown,” and had his own encounters with the justice system when he was young. “Like other black…

Melody Morales Offers Her Clients Pure, Safe And Beneficial Products: Find Out More About This Coach’s Health, Beauty And Wellness Business

The experiences we live and overcome play a big role in defining who we are. This is something Melody Morales understands and takes into account when running her health, wellness and beauty business. Melody is a big-city girl, born and…

Shabaz Ahmed Is Now Making Millions Passively Through The Ecommerce World. He Did It By Sticking To His Roots And Values And Always Giving Back To People

Shabaz Ahmed had a difficult start to life. His life was average and filled with financial struggle. He struggled in school and failed out of numerous opportunities that he had. He was told time and time again that he would…