Sergej Heck’s journey to success isn’t your typical story. His background was familiar enough: He graduated from high school, undertook an apprenticeship, and became an engineer for a large automobile company. He made good money but felt unhappy with his…
Melody Morales Offers Her Clients Pure, Safe And Beneficial Products: Find Out More About This Coach’s Health, Beauty And Wellness Business
The experiences we live and overcome play a big role in defining who we are. This is something Melody Morales understands and takes into account when running her health, wellness and beauty business. Melody is a big-city girl, born and…
A Physician, Entrepreneur And CEO, Amber Dazzle Has Done It All And Does It Well! Find Out More About Her Amazing Products And Lines Below
Amber Dazzle is taking beauty and cosmetics to the next level. That is only the beginning of her successes as an entrepreneur. She is also an entrepreneur, TV show host, physician, and much much more. For Amber, cosmetics and beauty…
Shabaz Ahmed Came From A Childhood Of Struggle. He Turned It All Around Through The World Of Ecommerce
Shabaz Ahmed had a difficult start to life. His life was average and filled with financial struggle. He struggled in school and failed out of numerous opportunities that he had. He was told time and time again that he would…
From Homeless to 23 year Old Serial Entrepreneur: Tyler Espitia’s Story
What is it about underdog stories that empower people so much? In almost any movie plot the underdog usually has the audience by a mile, and capturing the audience within their hero’s journey plays a huge role in that. Meet…
Experts Weigh In on Why It’s Time to Upgrade Your At-work Training Programs
While at-work training and educational programs have always been important, they’re becoming even more important than ever as we move deeper into 2020. Especially given the economic unsureness that today’s employees are facing amid the coronavirus pandemic, entrepreneurs have to…
3 Companies Whose 2020 Vision Includes Helping Laid-off Workers Due to Covid-19
There’s no denying that the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating effect on the lives of millions of Americans. In fact, it’s a crisis that has globally turned people’s lives upside-down. Virtually all states are presently under a lockdown…
Adam Nessim Shares How He Plans To Inspire NextGen Medical Students
Today we caught up with Adam Nessim, entrepreneur and a medical student at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Adam’s journey includes balancing med school at a top university and still having the time to follow his entrepreneurial dream, The Premed…
Disruptor on Wheels: Inspiring Story of How Heather DeSantis Runs A Revolutionary PR Firm From Her Airstream
To say that things are changing rapidly is an understatement. Everyday, various catalysts change the way people view their surroundings, react to things, and live their lives. Driven mainly by easy access to information, especially those on social media, the…
Q&A With Now Entertainment Founder, Tony M. Fountain
Recently we spoke with Now Entertainment founder, Tony M. Fountain and asked him to share his journey from growing up in a small town to becoming a major player in the entertainment industry. Here’s what he shared… Q1.) What is…