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It is projected that by the year 2030 at least 50% of the United States will be obese. Not just overweight but obese. This is a real epidemic that’s happening right before our eyes in our own country and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. With fast food on every corner and people opting for convenience over health, this is a trend that isn’t going away.
This is happening in a country where resources aren’t lacking and healthy food is readily available just about anywhere you go. With obesity comes health problems and heart disease happens to be the number one leading cause of death in men and women and is responsible for one out of every four deaths. Obesity is a major risk factor for developing heart disease and many people who experience heart attacks will never get a second chance.
Changing a Million Lives through Awareness
My mission is to reach one million lives as I work relentlessly on making the largest impact that I possibly can on the obesity trend in America. This certainly won’t be easy but I didn’t sign up for easy. I believe awareness is the first step because the more aware a person is the more ammunition they have in order to create change.
I’m not referring to general health awareness either. I’m referring to awareness in relation to sustainability. It is my goal to show the world that living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to be over complicated. I firmly believe most people simply want to feel better and it doesn’t take a drastic overhaul in order to achieve this.
Spreading awareness is crucial but providing actionable steps is just as important. My message is extremely powerful and it originates from witnessing several young men and women die at early ages due to conditions that in many cases were preventable. Imagine not being around for your kids because you didn’t take your health seriously enough when you had a chance. It’s situations like this that has my eyes set on the lofty goal of one million lives.
Sewing Sustainability into the Solution
By sharing my message with the world and providing actionable steps in order to improve a person’s health, my mission to a million will certainly take some time. But unfortunately time isn’t waiting for anyone so there’s extreme urgency on my behalf. This results in a fragile situation because no one wants to be told they need to overhaul their entire health overnight. This is why I emphasize the word sustainability so often. Without it, most people who implement healthy changes end up reverting back to their old ways.
I believe we live in a world of immediate gratification. People often want a magic pill or a fad diet in order to improve their health in the fastest way possible. But anything that happens quickly and drastically typically isn’t sustainable. I have seen many people get great results with fad diets only to gain all the weight back after realizing it’s not sustainable.
I believe that by changing people’s perspective when it comes to health I can make an impact that most wouldn’t dream of. The way I see it is if everyone knew how simple the process can be by learning to embrace the struggle then America would never come close to having an obesity rate of 50%. Most people don’t realize how good their body is designed to feel and it only takes a few small changes to yield fantastic results.
In Summation …
I am a man on a mission and I am determined to leave a positive impact when I leave planet earth. I believe everyone deserves to live the healthiest life possible not only for them but their family and friends as well. I am relentless in my pursuit to change lives and you simply can’t help but support my amazing cause.