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Michael Uribe-Gamboa is no stranger to hard work. Growing up in the city of El Paso, he had to overcome many challenges in order to get to where he’s at today. Failing course after course in school led him to the eventual discovery of entrepreneurship. At the ripe young age of 21, Michael is clearly set on making a name for himself in the software industry. “Making humanity more efficient” is what his sole purpose is.
Cities where your from: El Paso, Texas
Hobbies: Researching and learning about artificial intelligence and robotics, anything health related, fishing, hunting and reading.
Favorite Quote: “Formal education will make you a living, self education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn
Social Accounts: Facebook(preferred)| Instagram | Twitter
Bold 1 category: Business, Apps, Artificial Intelligence, E-Commerce, Environmental Entrepreneurship, Fitness, Hardware, Marketing, Saas, Secret Projects, Social Entrepreneurship
What are you working on? How did you come up with this idea?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: What I am currently working on is a restaurant based service by the name of QuickDine, which aims to help users dine out way more efficiently and easily. By allowing our users to get a customized dining experience all through a convenient mobile app, it can drastically reduce the time people wait in restaurants for their food to arrive. I came up with this idea one day when sitting in a restaurant with my family and realizing how slow the service was. Many people were getting upset so I quickly brainstormed and thought of a solution to resolve the problem.
How is your company different from your competitors?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: My company differs in that it allows the user to have a more in depth, thorough and customized dining experience that can be adjusted to meet the individuals needs. Compared to my competitors who offer a very bland and meek solution to the problem when its frankly, not really a solution at all. My company offers the freedom to each and every one of its users in that it allows them to pre-order their food and drinks for a scheduled dine in time and even choose what seat they want to sit at specifically once arriving at that restaurant.
What’s your dream with your company?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: The dream I have for the company is to allow it to change the restaurant industry forever. In a time where everybody is moving, everyone is about speed and having technology take over certain things to make that thing even better, why not optimize the restaurant industry by using artificial intelligence/software to allow people to have more time on their side.
How do you creatively advertise?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: Right now, QuickDine primarily focuses on advertising through word of mouth and Facebook. Being a company that’s still being developed, we’re somewhat limited in our options for right now. Although in the near future running creative Facebook ads and customized blog posts seems like a really sound thing to do. Good quality, unique and consistent content always attracts more visitors to any business.
Being that QuickDine focuses on improving one industry can this technology be used to benefit any other industry’s?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: I do indeed believe that the technology incorporated here can be used to benefit other industry’s. Particularly those which require people to wait. Examples of this include movie theaters, grocery and retail stores etc.
What were your biggest failure and biggest success? What did you learn from them?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: So far my biggest failure was having to move back home after moving states and trying to make it on my own with no knowledge nor sense of reality in doing things on my own when I was 18. What I learned from that failure was a few things actually. Number #1: Learn and know what your doing before making any big decision. Number #2: Never get comfortable. You must always be on the offense and you must never get lazy. My biggest success so far had to be when I got my first job when I was completely dead broke, in debt and scared. Why? Because it gave me opportunity. No matter how many job interviews I had that ended in rejection, I never gave up and stayed persistent until I eventually succeeded.
Value add questions
Give the readers the best entrepreneurship advice you have:
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: The best advice I can give entrepreneurs is to be someone who can adapt well. What I learned is 95% of the time things never go the way you expect them to. Therefore by being someone who is a really good adapter, you can quickly think on your feet of a solution to whatever unexpected result just occurred so you don’t get thrown off your game and beaten.
Teach us something about {internet marketing, social media ads, fund raising, yoga, sales funnels or another topic you pick} (must be actionable)
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: Do you want to know how to be a good business owner that has everything involving your own business down to a tee? Simple. Find people who are strong in what your weak in. In other words, out source and build a great team around you that can capitalize on your weaknesses. This might not sound like something that is being taught but trust me, a ton and I mean a ton of people think that they must strengthen their weaknesses in order to be successful and that’s simply not the case at all. Focus on your own strengths and have someone else add strength to your weaknesses!
What’s something new you’ve learned in the past month?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: I learned that your outer world is simply a reflection of what’s going on in your inner world. You want to be successful? Focus on your inner self first, then the outer portion will manifest.
Teach us something we don’t know.
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: I secretly love helping people win at life whether its through me contributing advice to them that’s life changing or making someone’s day so they can pass it on and do the same for someone else in need.
What do you think you do better than most people?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: Give a damn about other people.
What should an entrepreneur focus on?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: Impacting the world/humanity in a major positive way and improving their mindset. Mindset is king in anything you do.
What are some of the best books you’ve ever read?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason and More Wealth Without Risk by Charles J. Givens
Where do you see yourself and your product in a couple years?
Michael Uribe-Gamboa: In a couple years I can see myself and my product impacting humanity for the better. In a really really huge positive way.
Thanks Michael for letting us feature you on Future Sharks! Best of luck to you in the future with your endeavors!