Xolali Zigah Is The Founder And Chairman Of Cash Angel, A Visionary Investment Company That Helps People Invest And Increase Their Revenues

Xolali Zigah grew up in a suburb with his brothers in the outskirts of Paris. Since he was young, he wanted to be a pianist and a composer, but he did not have enough money to afford music lessons, and…

The Botox Lady Runs A Medical Spa And Aesthetics That Continues To Grow And Adapt Even During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Jessica E. Lauren is a woman who is passionate about aesthetic medicine and the beauty industry. But she did not get to own The Botox Lady Medical Spa and Aesthetics and become The Botox Lady until after a set of…

Sindy El Souki Knows The Importance Of Having Good Mental And Physical Health. That Is Why She Is Helping Others Do The Same Through Her Self Help Programs.

Self help and taking care of yourself is one of the most important aspects of a good life. However, many of us let this fall to the wayside because it can be a hard thing to do. This is where…

People that inspire: Chicago’s top luxury real estate producer Aaron Gill

Every week we look at people whose extraordinary career’s and stories leave us inspired and in awe about the power of humans finding their purpose in their passion. This week we are looking at Aaron Gill, Chicago’s top luxury real…

Edu Uzodinma Surrounded Himself Through UGA College Students To Create An Elite Team (Dignified Drip) And Was Able To Make The Most Amount Of Money In His Life. His College Team Tackled The Foreign Exchange Market And Launched Them All To Success

Edu Uzodinma always dreamed of playing sports professionally. For him, that was where life intended to take and where he wanted to go. He never really had a passion for school or anything else in his life. He never really…

Michael Dennis Murphy advice for those starting their own brand

Michael Dennis Murphy is an entrepreneur and the CEO of Murphy Auto Group.  Michael has gone through many challenges, obstacles, and hardships to get to the point where he is now. What differentiates Michael from the competition is that he…

Joseph Song on overcoming difficult challenges and his advice for others

Joseph Song is an entrepreneur who has defied all odds to get to the place where he is right now as a YouTube Automation business owner. Joseph is only 19 years old and has already accomplished more than he could…

Sober Superman Adam Jablin —Author Of The Best Selling Book Lotsaholic— Now Creator Of THE HERO PROJECT, Through Which He Helps Others Get From Zero To Hero

Adam Jablin is an author, public speaker and spiritual coach. He has risen from the depths of the alcohol and drug world to become a life-saving Superman. Today he runs a coaching program called THE HERO PROJECT, where he helps…

Justin Kimbrough Is An Environmentalist And A Professional Golfer, But He Is Also A Businessman Who Runs A Consulting Firm To Help Others Scale Their Businesses

Justin Kimbrough, who was born in the big city of Arlington in the state of Texas on June 6, 1997, is an entrepreneur who specializes in networking, sales, and bringing people together, but it was not always easy for him.…

Arthur Sanchez Struggled For Many Years In The Music Industry. Now He is Helping Others Avoid The Difficulties Of The Industry

Arthur Sanchez is a musician who runs a brand that bears his name. Many of us know how difficult the music industry can be, so Arthur decided to change that by creating a way for artists to get support at…